*Pricing and policies subject to change

  1. Absences/Make-Up Classes: Our priority for the year ahead will be offering small, consistent classes so we will no longer be offering make-up classes. In lieu of make-up classes, we will be offering open gym opportunities that will be scheduled around our regular group classes. Students will be allowed one free open gym opportunity every 8 weeks to make-up a missed class. We will send out an email and also post open gym dates on our bulletin board for sign ups. You must schedule your child’s open gym within one month of their missed class. If you cannot make the offered open gym then the opportunity will expire. Students who do not need a make-up can pay a $20 drop in fee for open gym if space allows.
  2. Drop Policy: If you want to drop your child from gymnastics, please fill out a drop form before the 20th of the month prior to the month you wish to drop for. If the drop form is not received before the 20th of the current month, you will be charged for the next month. No exceptions! We do not prorate or offer refunds for dropping mid-month. Once your drop form is filled out, your child will still be allowed to finish the current month of classes. 
  3. Dress Code: Please send your child in proper fitted attire (leotard and shorts or leggings and a t-shirt or tank top). Hair must be pulled back if it is past shoulders. Students will be required to purchase a scrunchie in the office if they do not bring their own hair tie. For safety, no jewelry is allowed (stud earrings are okay). No buttons, zippers, baggy clothes, tutus, bows, hard hair ties, or claw clips. 
  4. Contact: Please remember that the business line does not receive text messages- the best way to contact us is sending an email- ProgressionGymnastics@gmail.com or leaving a voicemail on the business line. (707.755.1933)  We also check the Progression Gymnastics social media (Facebook and Instagram) pages regularly @Progressiongymnastics. 
  5. Parking: Please do not park in front of other businesses in the warehouse lot. If the 8 spots in front of our building are taken, you may park in the back of the building, the side, or on the street.
  6.  Please have your child use the restroom before class. All children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult at all times in the facility. If your child is struggling to follow directions during class, we may send them out for a quick “breathing break” to help them reset. In order to keep our classes fun and safe for the entire group, we ask for your cooperation with this!
  7.  Please do not talk to your child during class unless it is a designated break time. Your child and the other children in class need to focus on their coach to benefit from their time in class and it is very distracting for the child, coach, and other students if parents are coaching from the sidelines. Parents who do not follow this will be asked to leave. Please do not allow your child in the gymnastics area until their coach has lined them up. 

 August 2024-August 2025
LABOR DAY- Monday, September 5th (Make-up classes permitted)
Halloween- Thursday, October 31st (Make-up Classes permitted)
THANKSGIVING BREAK- Monday, November 25th- Sunday, November 30th (No make-ups)
WINTER BREAK-  Monday, December 23rd- Sunday, January 5th (No make-ups)
SPRING BREAK- Monday, March 17th- Sunday, March 23rd (No make-ups) 
MEMORIAL DAY- Monday, May 26th (make-up class permitted) 

*We reserve the right to update our calendar when needed. 
This calendar includes 4 weeks off that are included in your monthly tuition. The schedule ensures that every student receives an equal number of classes each year. We do not offer make-up classes for our longer holiday breaks, as they have been accounted for in tuition. Most months will have 4 classes, some will have 5, and some will have 3. Your tuition amount will remain the same, regardless of the number of classes offered. We try to base our breaks off of the Windsor School District Calendar, however, we are open for classes during the summer! Tuition must be paid in full, regardless of attendance or holidays. If we close the gym due to an occurrence that we cannot control, we will schedule a zoom make up class!

Q. How do I add my child to the waitlist?

A. To be added to the waitlist, please provide your name and phone number and your child’s name and birthday. You may get on the list by  leaving a voicemail, sending an email, or sending an inquiry through our website. Students are added to the list from the date that their inquiry was received, if all information was provided, even if we do not confirm your waitlist spot right away (We receive a large number of inquiries every day so there may be a significant delay in our response to confirm your waitlist spot.) If you do not send your child’s birthday or your phone number, you will not be added to the waitlist until we have that information. 
Q.When do you expect a spot to open up for my child?
A.  This is difficult question to answer, as we only offer spots to new students when current students drop from our program, (or if we add a new class). Students who are currently enrolled receive priority to transfer classes or add second classes before we call our waitlist students. If a spot does open up, we work our way down the waitlist in chronological order. Students must fit the current age range of the class. We do have a long waitlist at this time, but if students on the list who are ahead of you do not fit the current age range of the class or do not respond to our phone call, we may get to more recent inquiries faster than expected. 
Q. How will you contact me if a spot does open up?
We will call and leave a voicemail if you do not answer. Please be sure to call back and leave a voicemail as soon as possible if you are interested. We will hold the class spot for 24 hours before offering the spot to another student on the waitlist. If we do not hear back from you within one week, we will remove you from our waitlist.
Q. Can I request a particular class?
A. We are not taking specific class requests at this time, as waitlist times tend to be long and the class may be different by the time we get to your child. For example, if the age range for the class is 3-4 year olds, and all enrolled students age up together, we will transition the class to a 4-5 year old class and no longer invite 3 year olds to join. This is why we require your child’s birthday and not just their age in your inquiry. Requesting one specific class also limits your chances because if we happen to open a new class, or your schedule changes down the line, we will only call you for your specific requested class slot. If your child has unique school hours or cannot attend particular days for any reason, you may notificy us and we can take note of this. 
Q.Can both of my children join the same class or can my child join the class their friend attends?
A. If you have more than one child on our waitlist, please know that it is rare for more than one spot to open up in the program or a specific class at the same time. Additionally, all of our classes are broken up into age appropriate groups (and oftentimes skill appropriate groups) Students must be within 1 month of age requirement to join a class (we occasionally make an exception if a student has passed their level and tested into an older age group, but this is only a benefit for currently enrolled students who are recommended by the coach.) 
We do try our best to get students into classes that are at the same time or back to back times with their sibling but there may only be an opening for one of your children in a class at a time. Once you are in our program, you have priority to transfer to other classes ahead of kids on the waitlist so we will put in a tranfer request for your child to switch to a class with their sibling or friend, if they meet the age and skill requirements. Please note, siblings of currently enrolled students do not get to skip ahead of the waitlist if they are not currently enrolled in our program.